About Us
Our Story
ITTG Group has been an active participant, with other domestic forest industry and interest groups, in the Government’s recent consultation on illegal logging and timber procurement policies.
The Group will continue to be an important contributor to efforts in ensuring that New Zealand’s imported timber trade meets acceptable standards and address the challenges from growing international concern about illegal logging, deforestation and other undesirable practices.
The ITTG is not a newcomer to these issues. The Group was formed in 1991 in response to concern by the New Zealand public, timber trade and conservation NGOs over the link between the import of tropical timbers and unsustainable logging of tropical forests.
The NZITTG has now become not only an active interface but also a forum where members, in an informed and trusting environment now report formally on import statistics, monitor the Group performance, discuss eco-supply options, certification bodies and standards, international developments, and generally debate the “health” of our forest products imports.
The Group is now widely recognised and consulted throughout New Zealand Industry and government circles. Overseas interest is not unusual. More recently NZITTG has been active in international forums in Europe, the UK and South America.
The way forward requires all parties, be they local forest communities, forest companies, or national governments, to agree the “big picture” and to realistically but firmly plan to transit out of destructive short-term forestry and transit to sustainable long-term forestry, over a given period. Over an agreed period of time certification will develop from verified legal to certified sustainable, our long-term objective.